LHC Impedance Coffee Meeting Minutes

November 13th, 2009

Present: Ralph Assmann, Elias Métral, Nicolas Mounet, Adriana Rossi, Benoît Salvant. 

LHC collimators impedance calculations

As soon as the LHC starts, an MD might be organized in the weeks to come, to measure the imaginary part of the beam coupling impedance in the LHC (with one bunch at low intensity, the tune with respect to the intensity will be measured). Before that, Elias, Benoît and Nicolas would like to give an estimation of the tune shift that should be measured due to collimators, for different settings (energy, collimator jaws opening, etc.). Ralph would like to be sure that the settings used in the computation (and provided by Adriana) are realistic with respect to what is likely to be done during the MD.


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Authors: Nicolas Mounet  and Benoît Salvant   CERN  BE/ABP-LIS

Last updated: 17/11/2009