Prof. V. Vaccaro seminar: minutes
May 19th & 20th,
Invited talk given by
Prof. Vaccaro, from
Universitŕ degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” and INFN Sezione
di Napoli
- Slides (ppt)
- Summary of discussions:
- About measuring the coupling
impedance with a wire: Prof. Vaccaro says that one must
be very careful because the wire in the axis of the
structure changes fundamentally the e.m. boundary
conditions of the problem, and turns a typical wave
guide problem into a coaxial cable-type problem. The
most elementary perturbation introduced by the wire is
for example that, while in the structure without the
wire frequencies below the cut off frequency of the beam
pipe cannot propagate out of the structure, when we
insert a wire all frequencies will be able to propagate
because a coaxial cable allows the propagation of the
TEM mode, which has 0 cut-off frequency. Also the
longitudinal electric field on axis, which defines the
longitudinal impedance, is the most perturbed quantity
when a wire is put in the structure, since it is forced
to be 0 (ideally, for perfectly conducting wire) by the
presence of the wire.
Also, Prof. Vaccaro showed very nice agreement between
measured scattering parameters (e.g. S21) and what was
calculated analytically with the matching technique.
Despite the wire perturbation and the fact that the TEM
mode propagates also below cutoff, the agreement with
theory is excellent. The mode matching technique is
independent of the wire.
Then, to infer the longitudinal impedance one needs to
pass through approximations that Prof. Vaccaro does not
really trust (such as, according to Federico Roncarolo,
the 'log formula' - not discussed in the seminar) which
may introduce discrepancies between this method (in the
frequency domain) and other methods (such as fft of wake
fields calculated in the time domain).
- About the definition of impedance: Elias Métral
points out that there exist several definitions
of impedances, and asks Pr. Vaccaro a general definition
for it. Prof. Vaccaro answers that impedance is not really
an abstract concept that can be defined once for all,
but rather something that evolves depending and what we
want to use it for.
- About the mode matching
technique: Nicolas Mounet asks what was meant by
"solving numerically the infinite set of equations in
a clever way" (when matching the modes). Prof. Vaccaro
answers that across a boundary between two cavities of
different lengths, one needs to compute only modes that
are commensurate to one another: in one cavity one needs
to consider only modes that have harmonics related to
the other cavity harmonics (the relation being the ratio
of the two lengths).
- About the cutoff frequency: Elias
mentions that the lowest cut-off frequency (for the wave
propagation) should be given by the beam pipe with the
largest aperture (i.e. the cavity with the radius b2)
and not by the (small) radius b1 of the beam pipe. Prof. Vaccaro and
Giovanni Rumolo disagree, saying this is the opposite
because there is no energy loss related to modes trapped
in a cavity. Elias pointed out he made some
simulations last year related to that (pdf).
In these the real part of the longitudinal impedance is
0 below the 1st cut-off frequency (as expected by Prof. Vaccaro) but it seems that the lowest cut-off frequency
is given by b2 (as Elias would have expected). Elias
thinks this could be quite interesting to make some
Prof. Vaccaro showed several results from impedances
calculated with the wave or mode matching techniques, in
which the spectra for PEC structures always show a zero
real part of the longitudinal impedance below the
cut-off frequency of the beam pipe attached to the
simulated structure. He claims that this is not
surprising, because energy can only be lost because of
propagation through the beam pipe (which can only happen
above the pipe cut-off frequency) in absence of other
loss mechanisms inside the structure. He says that below
the cut-off frequency of the beam pipe there can be only
reactive impedance, which represents the energy that
remains stored in the cavity and will keep being
exchanged with the beam. E. Métral says that he would
only expect the real part of the impedance to be zero
below the lowest resonant frequency of the structure,
which is usually lower than the pipe cut-off frequency
because it has a larger size. In fact, he believes that
also the energy in the resonating field is lost - as
seen by the beam.
According toe G. Rumolo, what point of view is correct
probably depends on the definition of coupling impedance
and whether the periodicity of the passages of the beam
in the structure are considered or not. One question is:
do we consider a delta-like excitation of the structure
or a periodic one (continuous, in the limit) ?
- Prof. Vaccaro tends not to
believe the results of electromagnetic codes when they
solve Maxwell's equations with open boundaries. That's
why he proposes to use them only to calculate the modes
of closed structures and then apply the mode/wave
matching technique at the borders of the structure with
an attached beam pipe (his last slide).
- The organization of a workshop
devoted to impedances and wake fields was discussed (it was
already evoked at the GSI workshop). Elias would prefer that
CERN organizes it as a lot of work was done there in the
last few years (and will continue to be done). The
organization of this workshop will be discussed during the
next impedance meeting (planned in 2 weeks). Prof. Vaccaro
said he would gladly accept to be part of the organization
if we decided to have the workshop hosted by a different
site than CERN (somewhere close to Naples, for instance).
- Prof. Vaccaro
also said he would like to open a
formal collaboration with CERN on impedance related issues.
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Authors: Elias Métral,
Nicolas Mounet, Federico Roncarolo, Giovanni Rumolo
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