Other Reference Material
Theory of beam impedance
"Wake fields and impedance" Palumbo, Vaccaro, Zobov, CAS course 1994 (lecture notes)
"Resistive-wall wake and impedance for nonultrarelativistic beams" F. Zimmerman and K. Oide - PRST/AB - Vol. 7, 044201 (2004) (article)
"Amplitude and power spectra: comparison between different types of longitudinal bunch profiles for the SPS MKE Kicker heating", APC meeting, June 2005 (ppt)
"Driving and detuning wakes : comparison with Burov Danilov" Elias Métral - RLC meeting - 02/12/2005 (slides)
"New Results on the Impedance of Resistive Metal Walls of Finite Thickness", B. Zotter, CERN note 2005 (article)
"Resistive-Wall Impedance of an Infinitely long Multi-Layer Cylindrical Beam Pipe" E. Métral, B. Salvant, B. Zotter proc. PAC 2007 (article)
"Review of recent LHC impedance activities", E. Metral AB/ABP/LCU meeting, June 17 2008 (slides)
Electron Cloud mitigation carbon coating impedance
RF Measurement using the two wire method
H. Tsutsui note on single wire and two wire measurements (pdf)
Measurement of the DC conductivity of graphite plates
Setup (pdf)
Simulation and calculation codes
- HeadTail (user guide - code repository - related papers)
- "Note on the longitudinal decoherence of a proton/ion bunch" Giovanni Rumolo - unpublished - 2003 (pdf)
- ABCI (user guide - code repository - related papers)
- CST Particle Studio/Microwave Studio
- ZBASE3, the new impedance database for CERN accelerators: M. Hubert master's thesis (doc or pdf) and presentation (ppt)
Authors: Benoît Salvant , Nicolas Mounet CERN BE/ABP-LIS
Last updated: 15/04/2009